True transparency of your project health
Based on the planning baseline, the actual project costs and the deliverables, KPIs are calculated and show you with three values the health of your project or program. The monitoring and an early alarming is possible with very low time investigations.Why mathematically calculated KPI's?

Combined Status
Mathematically calculated KPIs show the facts of a state of health. Deviations from the perceived status of the project manager must be justified. An ideal and plausible assessment is thus possible.

Centralized Data
All project plans are available in a centralized manner; an overview of a project, program or portfolio can be called up in a matter of seconds.

Because all projects are managed centrally, the impact on the resource capacity and financial basket impact is immediately recognizable and a further plausibility check of the project forecast is possible.

Less is more
There are several project management tools with thousands of fancy functions. earnedIT® is concentrated on the core functionalities which are used to manage a project in an efficient way. Usability and efficiency are our core values during development of this tool.

Let's be honest, every application is as good as the data it contains. So we try to offer the project manager self-explanatory features that can calculate all the values we need and thus we can easily monitor and steer the project.

Do you run a matrix organization?
Do your resources work in projects and operational activities? Are you missing a complete resource capacity view? This view is combined with earned it and shows you the full impact on the load on your resources.
Main features

Project Management
The project manager records his work packages and sorts them in a work break down structure, allocates resources and the project health data is automatically calculated month by month. The project manager does not have to learn a complicated earned value method. The system has this knowledge and automatically returns these values to the project manager and the steering management.

Portfolio and Programm management
A simple program configurator helps you to display the required view.

Resource Management
From the recording of the projects in earnedIT®, the impact on resource capacity is fully transparent. Now we offer simple but powerful functions to manage the planning of the operational activities in the same place. A complete resource capacity management is possible.

Financial management for projects and operative budgets
Whether you are managing a project budget or an operational budget, you want to know the same thing every time. Are you on track or do you have to reschedule or replan something? We offer you the basic values that you get the knowledge, where to change something to be on track.

Swiss made software
earnedIT® wird von optimizeIT entwickelt und vertrieben. optimizeIT ist ein Schweizer Unternehmen, das für Qualität, Zuverlässigkeit und Präzision steht. earnedIT® is being used by a leading Swiss Private Banking Institute
Other features

Data Download
Simple export functions to download all existing data in Excel format.

Data Upload
Simple import functions to upload data instead of interfaces or fast uploads.

My Worklist
Shows all allocated work package over the whole company in one view.

Manage Resources
If you need to manage (project) resources without official company user id.

Agile & Hybrid or Classic
Independent of the used methodology earnedIT® will support all kind of project approaches.

Rights Management
Rights management within earnedIT® is very flexible, role-or attribute based access management is possible.

Day Rate Management
Standard day rates can be added or changed by a centralized function over all employees. Recalculations will be done automatically.

Non Resource Cost Management
Also non resource related costs can be managed.

Invoice Management
Invoice management including accruals is possible.
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